Artificial Intelligence in Imaging

Artificial Intelligence (AI) opens new opportunities for exciting multidisciplinary research, combining the medical and engineering fields for improved diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of health conditions.

Artifical Intelligence is…

A BRIDGE: Across fields, from genotype to phenotype, from pathology to radiology

An INTEGRATOR: Providing a common language across dimensions and domains

A FACILITATOR: To incorporate context from the biological to the clinical, from physical modeling to prediction and exploration

And A TOOL: To bridge the gap between research and the clinic

AI in Imaging Leadership


Hayit Greenspan, PhD is the Director of Artificial Intelligence in Imaging at the BioMedical Engineering and Imaging Institute (BMEII) at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Dr. Greenspan is also co-director of the Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Medicine (AIET) PhD concentration at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, a new program accepting applications for enrollment in Fall 2022.


Latest Publications

Artificial intelligence–enabled rapid diagnosis of patients with COVID-19

Xueyan Mei, Hao-Chih Lee, […] Yang Yang
Nat Med (2020).

Probing myeloid cell dynamics in ischaemic heart disease by nanotracer hot-spot imaging

Max L. Senders, Anu E. Meerwaldt, ... Willem J. M. Mulder
Nat. Nanotechnol. 15, 398–405 (2020).

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