
BMEII is a thriving community and is proud of its lively culture. Our staff  both honors and has been honored.

Below are various events we host and attend. Our annual Symposiums draw the most innovative speakers in their fields and enliven our research. We christened the BioMedical Engineering and Imaging Institute at our holiday party, and Dr. Zahi A. Fayad was honored with a Jacobi Medallion. Please enjoy seeing us in action as much as we enjoyed being there!



Annual Symposiums

View past Symposiums and their content

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Jacobi Medallion Awards

Zahi Fayad, PhD, is a recipient of a 2019 Jacobi Medallion

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2019 Ribbon Cutting
and Holiday Party

It was a great evening for the Institute as we
cut the ribbon and celebrated

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Siemens Force CT Installation

The flagship dual energy, dual detector
features enhanced imaging of all patients

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For information about BMEII'2025 Symposium, please click here